dimanche 7 septembre 2008

get the stock value and it's historical on google finance

get the historical value on google finance
why :
A beginnig for a stock analyze program.
import urllib2
import re
from table_parser import *

By bussiere bussiere @at gmail.com
thanks to :
Nigel Sim <nigel.sim @at gmail.com>


__Author__ ="bussiere"
__Email__ = "bussiere @at gmail.com"
__Titre__ = "get some value with google finance"
__Description__ = "get the historical value on google finance"
__Discussion__ = "A beginnig for a stock analyze program."
__Tags__ ="google fiance stock value historical"

def get_finance(value):
#we make a url for google finance with the value given
link = "http://finance.google.com/finance?q=%s"%value
#we open this url
page = urllib2.urlopen(link).read()
#we find where is the hisctorical link
findhistorical = re.findall("/finance/historical\?q.*\"", page)
#we substract the " at the end of the string
findhistorical = findhistorical[0].replace('\"','')
#we make a link for the historical page of the value
histlink = "http://finance.google.com%s"%findhistorical
#we open the historical page
hist = urllib2.urlopen(histlink).read()
#we find the link for getting the data in csv mode
findcsv = re.findall('http://finance.*csv',hist)
#we open the link
csv = ''
try :
#we try to get the csv file if existent
csv = urllib2.urlopen(findcsv[0]).read()
except :
#else we parse the google finance page with table parser
findcsv = re.findall('<div id=prices>.*?</table>',hist,re.S)
p = TableParser()
csv = p.doc
#we return the csv data for the value
return csv

def main(argv=None):
# we get the argument passed on the command line
value = sys.argv[1]
print get_finance(value)

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
#we call the main function

Script on the python cookbook

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vendredi 29 août 2008

downloading a serial list of picture from the web

give this program an url from a pciture and it will try to download all the list of existing picture exemple : downloader.py http://www.example.com/picture01.jpg
why :
some times i've got a link like http://www.example.com/picture01.jpg and i guess that there are more picture of it this program will try to find them all and download them all
By bussiere bussiere @at gmail.com

__Author__ ="bussiere"
__Email__ = "bussiere @at gmail.com"
__Titre__ = "downloading a serial list of picture from the web"
__Description__ = "give this program an url from a pciture and it will try to download all the list of existing picture exemple : downloader.py http://www.example.com/picture01.jpg"
__Discussion__ = "some times i've got a link like http://www.example.com/picture01.jpg and i guess that there are more picture of it this program will try to find them all and download them all"
__Tags__ ="download picture pictures jpg JPG url list series serie"
import re
import time,datetime
import urllib2

def download_pictures(url,start=1,limit=999,trial=3):
#we compile the regular exepression that will get the number and the point of the url as 01. in the http://www.example.com/picture01.jpg
reg = re.compile("[0-9]+\.")
# here we compile a regular expression for find html in data
reghtml = re.compile('HTML')
# we search the numbers with . in the url
result = reg.search(url)
# we get the begining position and the ending position of the numbers with .
begin , end = result.span()
# we don't need the . at the end so we finish it earlier
end = end - 1
#this string wil contain some zero because sometimes in the url it's 0001.jpg or 01.jpg or 1.jpg
zero = ''
#the i will count the zero
i = 0
#we put how 0 in zero that we have number in the url save one
while i < end -begin-1 :
zero += '0'
i += 1
#here we get the extension a the end of the url .jpg here
extension = url[end:]
#count will determine how many times we have tried to download a file
count = 0
#while the download number is inferior of the limit let's goes on
while start < limit :
#we get the time
t = datetime.datetime.now()
# we make a file name with the epoch to be sure that the name will exist just one time
name = "%s.%s"%(time.mktime(t.timetuple()),extension)
# we make the url to download the file based on the url mixed with zero and the number of the download
urlbis = "%s%s%s%s"%(url[:begin],zero,start,url[end:])
#we try to download the file
try :
#here we open the url
remoteFile = urllib2.urlopen(urlbis)
#we read the file that we get
data = remoteFile.read()
# if the file does not exist sometimes we get a 404 error with the word HTML in it
#so we check for it and if it is not in.
if not reghtml.search(data) :
#we create a file with the epoch name
localFile = open(name, "wb")
# we write the data in it
#we close it
else :
#if there is the word HTML in it
#we end the loop
#here it is if we can't get any file at all
except :
# if the zero count equal zero we increase the count and put zero blank
if i == 0 :
zero = ''
count += 1
#here we just sustract zero
else :
# we reduce the zero counter
i = i - 1
# we substract one zero
zero = zero[:i]
# and we substract one to the counter of file to make it retry this file with one zero less
start = start - 1
# if the failure counter is equal to the trial number we get out
if count > trial :
#we just increase the file counter
start += 1

def main(argv=None):
# we get the argument passed on the command line
argv = sys.argv
#we initialize the argument at none
url = None
#at which number we begin to download
start = None
#how many download ?
limit = None
# how many time we will try to download
trial = None
#we get the argument in a list
options = sys.argv[1:]
#we put the option one after one and initialise them
for option in options :
if not url :
url = option
else :
if not start :
start = option
else :
if not limit :
limit = option
else :
trial = trial
#if some options ar empty we put the default value
if not start :
start = 1
if not limit :
limit = 999 + start
if not trial :
trial = 3
#we call the download picture

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
#we call the main function

Script on the python cookbook

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vendredi 22 août 2008

Changing shortcut on a usb key v2

Changing the drive of a list of shortcut automatically must be placed in the shortcut directory on the usb key
why :
i've made some shortcut on my usb key for launchy and i had always to change them if on one pc the usb drive was i: on an other it was k: it was such a pain each time. Now it change all the shortcut automatically.
import sys,glob,re
import pythoncom
from win32com.shell import shell
import win32com
import win32com.client
import string
By bussiere bussiere @at gmail.com
thanks to :
and :

__Author__ ="bussiere"
__Email__ = "bussiere @at gmail.com"
__Titre__ = "Changing shortcut on a usb key v2"
__Description__ = "Changing the drive of a list of shortcut automatically must be placed in the shortcut directory on the usb key"
__Discussion__ = "i've made some shortcut on my usb key for http://www.launchy.net/ launchy and i had always to change them if on one pc the usb drive was i: on an other it was k: it was such a pain each time. Now it change all the shortcut automatically."
__Tags__ ="Usb shortcut windows key raccourcis"

class Win32Shortcut:
def __init__(self, lnkname):
self.shortcut = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(
shell.CLSID_ShellLink, None,
pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, shell.IID_IShellLink)

def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.shortcut, name)

def main():

shell2 = win32com.client.Dispatch('WScript.Shell')
# here we just get the drive where is the usb key
drive = sys.path[0][0:2]
#here we list all the file on the shortcut directory
files = glob.glob(sys.path[0]+'/*')
# here we take one file path
path = glob.glob(sys.path[0])[0]
#we normalize the path for python
path = string.replace(path,'\\','\\\\')
# we prepare a regexp for finding the shortcuts
p = re.compile('\.lnk')

for file in files :
# we list all the files and find the shortcuts .lnk
if p.search(file) :
# we get the shortcut
s = Win32Shortcut(file)
#we take the target directory of the shortcut
itemPath = s.GetPath(0)[0]
#we normalize the path of the shortcut
file = string.replace(file,'\\','\\\\')
# we overwrite the shortcut (same directory, same name).
shortcut = shell2.CreateShortCut(file)
#we replace the target path (drive = usb drive, path without the drive = itemPath[2:])
shortcut.Targetpath = drive + itemPath[2:]
#we set the directory drive
shortcut.WorkingDirectory = path
#we save the shortcut

if __name__ == "__main__":

Script on the python cookbook

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